Monday, November 14, 2011

Have I told you lately how much I LOVE fall?

NOTE:  This post was done yesterday but our power went out as I was finishing it so its posting today...sorry guys!!

Today is perfect in my opinion.  Its about 73 degrees, the wind is blowing like crazy, leaves are flying everywhere, its overcast, and its wonderful.  Its everything I love about fall. 

I went grocery shopping this morning because I haven't had time to do it at all this week.  Derek and I sat down a few weeks ago and he told me I could do what I wanted couponing as long as I wasn't spending more money than I was before.  I honestly spent about $250 - 300 every two weeks doing "major" grocery shopping (when Derek and I both got paid) and roughly $100 - $125 every week when I only got paid grocery shopping.  Now this includes, cat food, Toby's food, cleaners, toiletries, the works.  Not just food items.  So that is about $800 / month for a family of four, which is ridiculous.  My kids are not obese at all, my son looks like I starve him to be honest, he is so skinny, but they eat CONSTANTLY.  I swear some days I can't keep him full!! He hasn't eaten off a kid menu at any restaurant in about 2 years, and he eats more off his plate than I do mine.  Shanna can't eat a whole lot at once, she prefers smaller portions, but she literally is starving about every 2-3 hours.  But they are both extremely athletic, especially Shanna, so the amout of  food consumed is actually quite normal.  However, I am not rolling in the green with our paychecks so its not cheap and I noticed the spike in our grocery bill about 2 months before I started couponing again.

So back to our conversation, I promised him I would spend no more than $100 per week.  And so far, I have stayed true to my word.  I am stocking up MAJOR on items that I go through when I find them for super cheap and I have realized that this keeps me from running out of stuff to fix or eat or munch on like before, AND I am spending substantially less than before!! Right now, my goal is to stock up on the stuff I know I am going to be using during my holiday baking and cooking.  I usually spend about $200 on food items for Christmas dinner, desserts, baking for friends, etc.  So far, I have managed to spend about $15 and I have already stocked up on quite a bit of the things I will use :)  I am waiting on pie crusts and pumpkin to go on sale.  I anticipate those happening in the next few weeks and when they do, I am ALL OVER IT. :)

I will have to start keeping ya'll a little more informed of how I do!! :) 

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