Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Get to know me - Part 5

41. Favorite sport.  Softball...duh....followed by Baseball and football of course.

42.  Favorite television show.  I have many, but all time fave has to be Friends, followed closely by Grey's Anatomy, One Tree Hill, 90210.

43.  Favorite movie.  So many...... I love the Twilight Series and Harry Potter Series the best though.  Oh and any movie based on a Nicholas Sparks or Jane Austen novel.

44.  If you could live out any story, what would it be?  Pride and Prejudice.

45.  Do you like scary movies? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

46.  Favorite drink?  Rootbeer, Dr. Pepper, Vitamin Water....depends on my mood :)

47.  3 foreign places you would love to visit.  England, Ireland, Italy.

48.  Something you are hopeful for in the future.  Financial Stability.  and my dream house.

49.  Top five fears.  Clowns, Heights, the Dark, spiders, and snakes.

50.  Top five weaknesses.  Shoes, purses, ben and jerry's, Derek's smiles, and my kids eyes.

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